2012年1月9日 星期一

Fetal Motion, 胎動記錄器

Assist expectant mother to record fetal movements

What is Fetal Movement?

A fetal movement refers to the motion of the fetus caused by its own muscle activity. Pregnant women generally don't begin to feel the baby move until sometime between 16 and 22 weeks or later. However women who have already given birth have more relaxed uterine muscles and therefore are more sensitive to fetal motions. For these repeat mothers fetal motions can sometimes be felt as early as 14 weeks.

Most moms can feel their babies kicking regularly (although not necessarily frequently) by the start of the third trimester (weeks 28-32). At this time, an expecting mom should begin keeping track of her baby's movements by counting the kicks. This exercise can help the mother become aware of any unusual decrease in activity and identify a potential problem. According to the American Pregnancy Association, the mom should do "kick counts" at the same time every day, preferably at a time when the baby is typically active. The mother should count at least 10 kicks within two hours. If she does not feel the fetus move in a 12-hour period, she should let her health care provider know.

The mother may start to feel fewer movements by about the 32nd week because the baby has grown so much that it has less room to move in the uterus. The expectant mother should continue doing her kick counts and report any substantial decrease in activity to her health care provider.

App Features:
  • Record current time for fetal movements
  • Record select times for fetal movements (Double Tap the "I feel movement" button)
  • Calculate the gestational age (GA)
  • Daily movement reports

===== Description in Chinese =====


胎動的次數和孕婦懷孕的週數是有關係的, 在懷孕的第28-36週時, 母親會感受到最明顯的胎動, 一直要到接近生產的時候, 胎動的次數>便會開始降低, 不過還不至於到完全不動的地步, 這是因為胎兒的頭部進入骨盆腔中, 比較沒有活動空間, 而胎盤的血液供應也漸漸不良的緣故。

一般在6至7個月後, 白天平均應可測得10次胎動, 但12小時內若低於3次, 或比前一天少1/2次, 則應儘速就醫, 做更詳細的檢查。準媽媽在白天能夠測得10次胎動, 大致上就可以安心了。

App 功能:
  • 記錄當下胎動時間
  • 補登錄胎動時間(雙擊"有胎動"按鈕)
  • 懷孕週數計算
  • 胎動日報表